A Multi case study : Compliance of Green Building Rating System Affects rental of certified office buildings.



Loke, Hui Hui (2019) A Multi case study : Compliance of Green Building Rating System Affects rental of certified office buildings. Final Year Project (Bachelor), Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

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This dissertation discusses the result of a study on the c ompliance o f Gree n Building Rating System a ffects the rental of certified office buildings. The research focuses on the green features a pplied in the certified green offices and how it will affecting its rental. Furthermore, the effectiveness of green building rating syste m in Malaysia and the popular green design implemented. Literature review and field surveys indicate the challenges faced by the implementation green building rating system in Malaysia and it contribution to the rental of the buildings. I n terms of resear ch methodology, the result based on in depth one to one interview approach and multiple case studies approach. The dissertation starts with the exploring the opinions regarding to the green building rating system and green features design followed by semi structured interviews with six experts, including building maintenance manager, property manager , architect, Quality Assurance and Quality Control Manager and facilities manager. Next, four certified ranked green offices in Klang Valley area examined usin g multiple case study approach. The purpose is to investigate the green design and features applied in each of the selected green offices and the pattern of the green offices rental which affected by the compliance of green building design and features. T he results collected from two different approaches were analyzed. The analysis shows that the effectiveness of green building rating system i s adequate but can be improved as the number of green projects was increasing. In addition, the green element using in the office buildings is limited if compare to others countries. In Malaysia, mainly focuses on HVAC and lighting system which possibly having a lower initial cost. The last but not least, the analysis shows the higher level of compliance green features , the higher the rent of buildings. This paper provides supportive information for the developers and owners to know the important of green rating system in the aspect of rental. Besides, it provides a guide to future improvement in green building design and encouraging the adoption of green building rating system.

Item Type: Final Year Project
Subjects: Technology > Building construction > Quantity surveying
Faculties: Faculty of Built Environment > Bachelor of Quantity Surveying (Honours)
Depositing User: Library Staff
Date Deposited: 31 Jan 2020 02:32
Last Modified: 16 Mar 2022 03:08
URI: https://eprints.tarc.edu.my/id/eprint/12995