Design Fabrication of a Corn Seeding Machine



Chang, Chin Hoe (2011) Design Fabrication of a Corn Seeding Machine. Final Year Project (Other), Tunku Abdul Rahman University College.

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This is a prototyping project for design and fabrication of a corn seeding machine. The objective of this project is to build a prototype that can help farmers or garden users improving their seeding process. The prototype should be easy to use and efficient. Firstly, studying the problems, a plan was formulated and research is done on related information sources. This research is used to generate a conceptual design. The conceptual design is then evaluated with suitable factors and criteria. Then, a final design is chosen for prototype fabrication. Material selection is done carefully by evaluating the cost, availability and performance criteria. After that, fabrication process is started to convert the basic materials into parts that are needed. These parts are then assembled together to make the Corn Seeding Machine. After the fabrication is done, the prototype is taken to test. The prototype is evaluated on some tests. Information and data of the prototype can be used for modification. If there are any problems happens, the prototype should undergo some troubleshooting and taken for evaluation again. Finally, the prototype is completed, the objective of the project is evaluated and recommendation for future work is provided.

Item Type: Final Year Project
Subjects: Technology > Mechanical engineering and machinery
Technology > Manufactures
Faculties: School of Technology > Advance Diploma in Technology (Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering)
Depositing User: Library Staff
Date Deposited: 24 Sep 2019 09:23
Last Modified: 14 Apr 2022 07:30